What is V Steaming?
What Is Vaginal Steaming?
What is V Steaming!?
Vaginal steaming, also known V Steaming is an age-old natural remedy that cleanses the vagina and uterus, regulate menstruation, and ease period cramps and bloating. By utilizing natural herbs from the Earth, to support and nourish the overall well-being of the vagina area. Enjoy a relaxing Vaginal Steam today with 2 complimentary glasses of our signature drink!
Why Should I Vaginal Steam?
Vaginal steaming is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your body and reignite your vibrance. We encourage most women to try a vaginal steam a.k.a yoni steam.
You are likely to see great benefit to this ancient remedy if you suffer from painful or irregular periods, infertility, uterine fibroids, perennial tears, bladder and yeast infections, vaginal or ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids or scarring from C-sections, hysterectomies and laparoscopies. Yoni steaming is also recommended even if you are not experiencing any of the above, as it is a great way to soothe and pamper yourself, and is known to relieve anxiety in women.
How often should I Steam?
As part of an overall self-care regime, we recommend that women steam two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating. Women who suffer from pain, bloating or exhaustion during menstruation should steam two to three times within the week before menstruation. Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and maybe twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. You should expect to steam for three months before seeing results. For the postpartum body, a vaginal steam may be done three times per week for four weeks to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina (please be sure there are no open wounds and that you are no longer bleeding). Women who are experiencing or who have passed menopause should steam at least three times per year for maintenance, but may steam more often!
Why isn't it recommended that women with an Intrauterine Device (IUD) do a vaginal steam?
It is not recommended for women with any kind of IUD to steam because the medicinal properties of the herbs are intended to cause the uterus to contract and shed its lining. When an IUD is present, the risk is that this could cause the uterine tissue to shed or contract in such a way that it could dislodge, shift or expel the IUD. With that said, some women with IUDs have tried vaginal steaming but Phenomenal Ladies Vaginal Steaming does not advocate for steaming with an IUD, and doing so is at your own risk. You may want to talk to your local women's health care provider for his or her thoughts on this before choosing to steaming.
What herbs are typically used to Steam and Why?
Mugwort: In addition to fighting infection through its antibiotic and anti-fungal properties, mugwort balances female hormones and stimulates the production of hormones that help to maintain uterine health as well as protect the uterus from things such as ulcers and tumors. Mugwort steam opens the pores, allowing the beneficial herbs to penetrate into the blood stream. In addition, mugwort helps to stimulate menstrual discharge and ease cramping.
Rosemary: An aromatic and antimicrobial herb, rosemary treats bacterial infection, speeds wound healing, inhibits yeast growth, and stimulates menstruation.
Lavender: One of the most relaxing herbs we have, lavender supports healing, and it also promotes menstrual flow.
Yarrow: Astringent, tonifying and cleansing, yarrow is great for regulating menstrual flow, treating ovarian cysts and supporting overall uterine health.
Motherwort: Astringent, tonifying and cleansing, motherwort strengthens and relaxes uterine muscles, eases uterine cramping, and may help treat uterine fibroids. Motherwort stimulates uterine tone and blood flow.
Calendula: Aids in healing of scar tissue, vaginal tears, or hemorrhoids.
Rose Petals: A relaxing, uplifting and astringent herb that is wonderful for pampering.
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What should I expect after doing the steam?
It is normal for your menstrual cycle to change after a Vaginal Steam. Often, there is a great deal of material that is "encrusted" to the inside of your womb, which is expelled after completing a steam. The herbs have a powerful effect on the uterus, dislodging much of what is stuck. Sometimes this means your flow will be very heavy, dark and thick for just a day or two, and other times it just extends the length of your period to get it all out. Ultimately, your next period will be much lighter and more pleasant than ever before. Other than feeling relaxed, refreshed, and pampered, you should not expect to see results immediately after the steam (there will be no visible discharge at the time). For more information on what to expect, and whether or not your results are "normal" call us at +1(346)-425-5123 or email us at vsteamingllc@gmail.com.
I had discharge or bleeding after my vaginal steam. What does this mean?
If you have a great deal of “induration” (stuck material) inside your uterus, you can probably feel that it wants and really needs to come out. In this case, the herbal steam may immediately help to loosen it. This could result in the uterine lining shedding, which would of course mean bleeding, even if it is not the usual time of the month. Do Not be alarmed, if a lot of material comes out over the next few days. Your body is working to remove those toxins with the help of the herbs from the steam.
I have a uterine fibroid. How can vaginal steaming help me?
Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that develop from the smooth muscular tissue of the uterus. A vaginal steam may support this issue in that the medicinal properties of the herbs would help the uterus to shed the excess/non-essential tissue or cells, in this case the tumorous ones. The Phenomenal Ladies Vaginal Steam contains Motherwort because this plant is thought to be especially useful for treating fibroids and polyps. The blend also contains calendula and pink rose petals, which serve to cleanse and nourish your healthy uterine tissue. The catch is, you should not steam while you are bleeding, as is often the case with uterine fibroids. When you are not bleeding, you may try a vaginal steam to gently but effectively encourage the uterus to take care of itself. Start by steaming twice per week, on the weeks that you are not menstruating, for 3-4 months to see if there is a shift.